Thursday, April 19, 2007

Missional Thinking & The 12-Steps

When I read so many missional/emerging conversational web sites, I get excited because so much of it rings true for me. I am no longer alone in my thinking or my experiences. I also get excited for another reason. Many of the issues I see others grappling with I realize I have found some very certain answers in the program of 12-Step recovery. I have known for a long time that this program of recovery has power to address many afflictions, not just drugs & alcohol. Little did I realize how much this program would be relevant to the experiences that have brought me to the missional conversation today.

It is exciting to see that John Smulo has brought up the topic of the 12-Steps on today's posting of his blogpage, and I am grateful that he has mentioned River City Ministries. I am wondering how many others out there in the missional blogosphere have had exposure to the 12-Step program of recovery, whatever form it was (alcohol, co-dependency, gambling, debt, etc.), and if it has been helpful in adding to your understanding of the way God works, & the way as Christians we outreach to the world. I find strong missional parallels.

There's a ton of things to talk about in this, and in the weeks ahead I will be posting topics that I feel overlap the missional conversation and 12-Step recovery.

So how about it? Any of you been positively affected in your faith by the dynamics of the 12-Step recovery?


Anonymous said...

Oh, yes! I have received many tools in the 12-Step recovery that has started a healing about the way I perceive myself, my relationship with others and my walk with the Lord, which is on a much more personal and intimate level. I have learned God is not only My Higher Power Who is bigger than any problems or situation I face, but He also loves me more than I am able to comprehend and is always with me. I have felt tremendous love and support with my group, and yes, I have been positively affected in my faith by the dynamics of the 12-Step recovery.

ORCA said...

Yes. The 12 Steps, has in its form and design, brought me to a deeper understanding of myself and to a ever increasing relationship with Christ Jesus. However, the 12 Steps by itself, is worthless without the love of God and the love of the people whom I have shared with and listened to all these years.